Tag Archives: customer

Tips on Tuesday

Only a short one today, but vitally important.


Do make sure that any and every link you have on your website opens in a new window!

Such a small thing, but often overlooked.  If you add a link and it opens in the window you’re in all you’re doing it directing your traffic AWAY from you and elsewhere.  By opening in a new window, you do at least keep your web visitors on your page whilst adding further offerings for them!

Tips on Tuesday

How can you use your social media to best communicate with current customers and new customers?

Group pic

Facebook gives you the option of connecting a group to a business page and for some business types this can be a really great way of being able to give information to your current customers, whilst not spamming your feed with posts that aren’t relevant to new customers.

Of course that isn’t to say there won’t be some crossover of content, however keeping “admin” style posts in a group will keep your Facebook timeline more streamlined with valuable content.  Of course, don’t forget to invite your existing customers to the group so they see the information.

Facebook groups really foster great communication between larger numbers of people, and can be a great way of building up a real community surrounding your brand.

Tips on Tuesday

You know the old saying “you can’t be all things to all people”?

Well that’s true of social media too!


When creating your content, really try to narrow down your audience to the most important group and direct your content specifically for them.  If it appeals to other people, that’s a bonus, but instead of trying to create generic content all the time, don’t be afraid to create really specific content to appeal to your potential ideal customer!

Tips on Tuesday

How often do you listen to your customers?


Your customers can be the best source of content you have.  Through the power of social media, you have a wealth of information at your fingertips; look at the questions you get asked most often, or what customers are asking most regularly across social media.  Don’t be afraid to check out how your competitors are engaging with their customers too. 

By listening and creating relevant content, you can organically grow your reach whilst becoming a well-known voice within your area. 

Tips on Tuesday

We’ve often spoken about the important of good quality content on social media, ensuring that your timeline isn’t simply a hard sell.

Announcement image

That isn’t to say that if you have something in particular to sell you shouldn’t announce it! Make sure anything that could be of interest to potential customers; events, new products, courses etc. are shared on your social media feeds.

If you’ve already created a following with high-interest content, you have a good audience to share your offering to; with the ultimate goal converting leads to sales.

We like to work towards the 80/20 rule with making 80% of your content interesting, creative or informative whilst devoting 20% to sales.

Give it a try!


Tips on Tuesday

For our very last tip of the year, our advice to you is….have a break!

Christmas image

Whilst we’ve often said how the consistency of social media posting is important, it is equally important for you to be recharged, rested and ready for all the challenges of 2019.  By all means do some pertinent holiday posts, but then give yourself time away from insights, responses and general scrolling through your timeline.

A very Merry Christmas and a happy and successful 2019 to all!

Tips on Tuesday

The great thing about social media, is the ability to reach people on a very small budget!

Have you thought about using the “Events” tool on Facebook?

Event pic

If you have the type of business where you want people to physically attend a certain event, do try out this tool.  Whether you’re hosting a one-off event, would like people to attend on the first day of a sale, or even just arranging a get together, “Events” is a great way of creating a bit of a buzz surrounding your business and monitoring attendees.

As with all tools on Facebook you can either use it organically, or simply add a small budget to boost your post to reach a wider audience. 

Why not give it a try and see what response you get.  Remember Facebook is all about fostering interaction, and this could be a great way to start a conversation!

Tips on Tuesday

Your online presence is very important, we all know that; and this applies just as much to your website as to your social media channels.

Website image

A good website should have: –

  1. An engaging biography – make it lively and tell your story.  The more engaging this is, the more likely a potential customer is to read more!
  2. Testimonials – do not underestimate the value of word of mouth.  Ask your satisfied customers for a testimonial and upload to your website.  Share your positive feedback!
  3. Clear calls to action – make it very obvious how people can contact you.  How they can buy your product.  How they can find more information.  The easier the journey for the site user, the more likely a sale is to occur.
  4. Make your social content obvious – a customer might not want to buy something immediately, but if you give them options to follow you, you will remain in their consciousness for when they DO want to make a purchase.

Make your website and social media channels work for you!

Tips on Tuesday

If you really would like to become an industry influencer on Twitter, consider hosting a Twitter chat.


A Twitter chat is a live event where people include a hashtag in their tweets to discuss a particular topic.

remember to keep your hashtags short and punchy, and make people aware in advance the chat is coming.  It is a great way to really connect with people on Twitter and share your industry expertise whilst really giving off an approachable and helpful vibe.

Give it a whirl!

Tips on Tuesday

If you ask any business what is their number one priority, the answer will surely be to generate leads.

Credit Card

Don’t be tempted to use your social media channels as nothing more than a vehicle to try to sell.  Make sure you share engaging content, write posts that add value, behind the scenes images and become an industry expert.  Y

Your followers don’t want to be spammed with nothing more than “buy from us”, so make it worth their while to follow you.  Once you’re in their consciousness, the chances are they will remember you when they DO want to make a purchase.