Monthly Archives: August 2020

Tips on Tuesday

Do you have a best-selling product or service?

Love image

Do you find yourself repeatedly recommending the same thing to customers?  If so, why wait to be asked! Share your best-sellers to your wider social media audiences with an explanation as to why!  Every so often it is really ok to blow your own trumpet, and this is one of those occasions!

Tips on Tuesday

Do you see the same questions about your industry/product on social media?

FAQs image

Consider taking the time to collect these questions and write your responses to them.  You can present them as an ongoing thread, or simply share one/two a week as a regular feature.

Potential customers will appreciate the effort in answering their questions before they realise they have them!

Tips on Tuesday

Don’t be afraid to use humour in your social media posts.

After all, especially at the moment, we could all do with a good laugh!

Whilst we wouldn’t advocate anything that could be perceived as offensive, have a search and see what amusing content you can find about your industry; we bet there’s more than you think!

Social Media Joke

Tips on Tuesday

The hashtag.


Just a small chap, but really important to use in your Instagram posts.  But how many should you use?

We recommend using between 5 and 10 hashtags per post; which should be a mix of trending and hashtags unique to your brand.  Using too many hashtags, whilst tempting to try and cover every eventuality, can actually be counterproductive as you risk diluting your message.