Monthly Archives: May 2020

Tips on Tuesday

When you’re in the midst of a pandemic when getting together simply isn’t possible, make use of the tools at your disposal to get together remotely.

Group image

Consider joining Facebook groups with your business page to expand your connections.  You might find you can create mutually beneficial relationships and connections that can assist both your business and others during difficult times.

If you join a local group, think about special offers you can offer to local businesses or customers to make your offering desirable.  Don’t be afraid of posting and getting to know other businesses; local business relationships are never a negative thing!

Tips on Tuesday

We have spoken before about what we consider to be one of the most important points for any business on social media; if you make nothing but overtly selling posts you will turn off a large number of your followers.


At the moment, this is even more important.  With such a state of flux and uncertainty in the wider world people are turning to their social media accounts to provide escapism and fun.

By all means ensure your customers are aware if they can still use/purchase your services but keep your content interesting and engaging.  Use the time to show your personality and how you’re turning a difficult situation into a positive one for you.

Have fun and share your fun!

Tips on Tuesday

If you’ve turned to more online content during the lockdown period and are creating your own videos, there are some simple tips you should consider.


If you’re the subject of the video, be careful to choose your clothes wisely!  Stripes, spots or other busy patterns can cause an effect known as moiré.  This can appear as wavy lines or a rippling effect and cause a disturbing visual experience for your viewers.

Avoid this by choosing garmets without patterns and stick to block colours.

Tips on Tuesday

Remember in order to have a successful social media presence, you need to get social (yup, the clue is in the title!)


The way we market our products and ourselves is ever-evolving.  When we used traditional marketing methods such as print, television and radio we were talking at people.  Now we have channels where we can talk with people; the aim is to create a place where mutual conversations can take place!

At a time when online conversations are more important than ever, have a think about how you can start some meaningful interaction.  Something as simple as asking your clients how they are, whether they need anything or how they’re coping with lockdown can make an important impact.  Why not ask for opinions on your products; try a poll and ask for the favourite between two items etc.

Whilst you can’t see your customers face to face it is vital that you keep that online dialogue open and flowing!