Today’s tip has been inspired by a trending hashtag on Twitter; #SixWordHorrorStory, which made us think what would be a social media horror story?
We came up with “Someone left us a bad review”.

Terrifying right? It doesn’t have to be!
Everyone will – at some point – received a bad review or negative feedback on their social media, especially when forums such as Facebook make the reviewing process so easy.
Our advice is always respond to the review. Never delete! Reply in a courteous fashion, ask for further details about why their experience fell short and offer to solve it for them.
The old adage “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” really comes into its own here, a scenario showing you as a company dealing well with complaints and solving them to a client’s satisfaction is an impressive thing to have on your social feeds.
(Of course, we say never delete but should you receive abuse please do feel free to delete that!)