Monthly Archives: March 2020

Tips on Tuesday

We’ve long been an advocate of using the analytical tools available to you when measuring your social media performance.

Don't Panic

However it is also vital to remember that external factors can have a massive effect upon your social media.  We are living through unprecedented and uncharted times; if your “failsafe” posts aren’t performing, then don’t panic.

The way we use social media; and the way your clients respond to social media; will change massively over the coming weeks as we all settle into our new version of normal.   Remember part of being successful on-line is being flexible.  Keep posting, keep monitoring and keep in contact! 

Resilience will play a big factor in performance during the coming months, you can add to your resilience by consistency of online delivery.

Tips on Tuesday

“Social media channels give you the chance to be in a room when you can’t be in the room!” ~ Rachel Barratt

Togetherness image

In very uncertain times it can be especially hard to know that being together is not possible.  Remember you have a wealth of ways at your fingers tips to be in contact with your family and friends even if you can’t be together in person.

Use your social media to check up on loved ones, to create local groups offering assistance and give each other a platform to connect when loneliness is a big concern.

As a business we understand these are particularly worrying times, and we would say your online presence is more vital than ever.  Connect with your customers, ensure your business remains in people’s consciousness – remember, whilst we’re all dealing with a new normal there are ways for you to try to adapt.  Consider what you can do remotely – can you offer video calls? Training online? Remote support?

We’re all in this together and we WILL get through this.

Tips on Tuesday

Something for nothing, a freebie, donation, giveaway, present. Whatever you call it, we all like the idea of getting something without paying!  How many of us choose where to have a coffee because the cafe offers free WiFi?!


You can apply the same to your business! Don’t be afraid to offer something free to your online followers.  Whether that’s a tip, a resource they can download, a link to something useful there are so many ways you can offer your customers something for nothing.

Remember you’re not giving your expertise away for free; rather you’re showing your followers they matter, you’re showing your expertise in your field and your confidence in sharing that expertise.  All a great recipe for encouraging people to use you for more!! 

Who will people remember; the person who charges for all their advice or the person who you can pop on their social media channels and get regular bite-size information for free? 

Tips on Tuesday

How do you feel about yourself?!

As Ellen DeGeneres wisely said “sometimes you can’t see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.”

Thank you

Yep, you’ve guessed it; today’s tip is about feedback!  Feedback is food and drink to any small business – word of mouth is such a great way of reaching new customers.  Don’t be afraid to ask your customers to leave you an online review (whether that’s on your website, via a search engine or on your social media channels) and certainly don’t be afraid to share that review!

If you receive more traditional thank you cards/letters etc, don’t be afraid to take a picture and share, or indeed choose a relevant image and share a pertinent quote from the review.  #FeedbackFriday is big news – make sure you tap into that free market.  Sharing reviews is also an easy way of creating content for your page; we love a multi-functional post!