Tag Archives: website

Tips on Tuesday

As we rush head first into 2021, now is a good time to take stock of your online year!

review pic

It’s important to remember that social media – and your wider online presence – is an ever-changing landscape, and this has never been more true than in 2020!

At this time of year we always recommend reviewing your online year.  Check back using social media insights into which posts worked, and which were less successful.  You can then use the data you collect to create your online schedule and plan for next year!

Remember, as Warren Buffet said “it’s a good idea to review past mistakes before committing new ones.”

Tips on Tuesday

Today has seen announcements that will make many businesses feel a great sense of relief as they move towards being able to open on 4th July.


However, opening will of course come with some changes; remember to use your social media channels and your online presence to communicate those changes.  Ask yourself what your customers need to consider: –

  • Are you working on an appointment only basis?
  • How will you maintain the necessary 1m+ social distancing required?
  • What measures will you take to ensure the relevant hygeine practises are met?
  • Will you be immediately opening to your usual hours?
  • Will you require customers to wear masks inside your premises?

As much as it is a cliche, forewarned really is forearmed and it will make for a much more seamless transition back to a more normal situation if everyone knows what is expected of them and more importantly what measures you are taking to help maintain the safety of your staff and customers.

Tips on Tuesday

Something for nothing, a freebie, donation, giveaway, present. Whatever you call it, we all like the idea of getting something without paying!  How many of us choose where to have a coffee because the cafe offers free WiFi?!


You can apply the same to your business! Don’t be afraid to offer something free to your online followers.  Whether that’s a tip, a resource they can download, a link to something useful there are so many ways you can offer your customers something for nothing.

Remember you’re not giving your expertise away for free; rather you’re showing your followers they matter, you’re showing your expertise in your field and your confidence in sharing that expertise.  All a great recipe for encouraging people to use you for more!! 

Who will people remember; the person who charges for all their advice or the person who you can pop on their social media channels and get regular bite-size information for free? 

Tips on Tuesday

Have you got your social media strategy in place for the coming year?


Remember your strategy should cover the following: –

  1. Online presence – where will you send prospective customers to find out more?
  2. Content strategy – where are your target audience and what sort of content do they look for?
  3. Social media – which social media channels you will use and what content you will share
  4. Brand – this should be in place before you venture into the online word and should cover a name, a logo, and a voice.
  5. Analytics/insights – use the tools provided to collate data on your online performance which will help you improve your performance.
  6. Content management – keeping track of all the information you share including planning future posts.

How do you like to plan?


Tips on Tuesday

The first Tuesday in 2020 and time to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

ResolutionWho has any social media New Year’s resolutions?

We’re planning to try 10 new things across social media this year, whether that’s style of posting, new channels or simply new content.  We’ve got a plan in place and we’re not afraid to use it!

Let us know your social media plans!

Tips on Tuesday

Only a short one today, but vitally important.


Do make sure that any and every link you have on your website opens in a new window!

Such a small thing, but often overlooked.  If you add a link and it opens in the window you’re in all you’re doing it directing your traffic AWAY from you and elsewhere.  By opening in a new window, you do at least keep your web visitors on your page whilst adding further offerings for them!

Tips on Tuesday

As we rush head first into 2019, you should use this time to take stock of your online year!

Review image

It’s important to remember that social media – and your wider online presence – is an ever-changing landscape.

At this time of year we always recommend reviewing your online year.  Check back using social media insights into which posts worked, and which were less successful.  You can then use the data you collect to create your online schedule and plan for next year!

Remember, as Warren Buffet said “it’s a good idea to review past mistakes before committing new ones.”

Tips on Tuesday

You’ve, obviously, been following Tips on Tuesday from the start, and your social media profiles are absolutely fantastic.

But people know how to find them, right?

Magnifying Glass

Don’t make people work to find your profiles.  Link them from anywhere and everywhere! Have your handles on your business cards, email signatures, websites, literature and make your usernames as intuitive as possible.  There is nothing more frustrating for someone who wants to listen to what you have to say, but cannot hear it because they can’t find it!

Make sure you make it as simple as possible to hear what you have to say!

Tips on Tuesday

Your online presence is very important, we all know that; and this applies just as much to your website as to your social media channels.

Website image

A good website should have: –

  1. An engaging biography – make it lively and tell your story.  The more engaging this is, the more likely a potential customer is to read more!
  2. Testimonials – do not underestimate the value of word of mouth.  Ask your satisfied customers for a testimonial and upload to your website.  Share your positive feedback!
  3. Clear calls to action – make it very obvious how people can contact you.  How they can buy your product.  How they can find more information.  The easier the journey for the site user, the more likely a sale is to occur.
  4. Make your social content obvious – a customer might not want to buy something immediately, but if you give them options to follow you, you will remain in their consciousness for when they DO want to make a purchase.

Make your website and social media channels work for you!

Tips on Tuesday

Did you know almost 60% of people making digital purchases this year will do so on a smart phone?

Smart phone

Make sure your website is mobile friendly! Important factors are: –

  1. Speed – make sure all pages load quickly
  2. Simplicity – make navigation intuitive
  3. Size – design your site so even the largest hands can interact with ease
  4. Visible – ensure your content can be read easily on different sized devices
  5. Accessibility – your website should work across all mobile devices and handset orientations

Check out how your site functions on a device by visiting a test site (other sites are available!)