Tag Archives: communication

Tips on Tuesday

Stop that scroll!

We cannot say this enough times but make your content eye-catching!

People don’t read social media channels in full, they scan their timelines quickly and transiently, only stopping when something catches their interest.

Your unique challenge on social media is to stop that scroll!

The first post of call is a captivating image. Secondly make sure your copy isn’t overly verbose and really tells a story in a few words. Make any calls to action clear and efficient – win the battle by allowing your customers to shop, contact or book in with just a single click.

Don’t be afraid to stand out on social media, if you’re doing it for the right reasons then you’re engaging with people who will potentially become your customers!

Tips on Tuesday

Do you have a favourite social media platform? Come on now, tell the truth – everyone does!

It is completely fine to have a favourite platform – by all means choose the one that works best for your business and focus the majority of your efforts there.  However, we do see value – even if you can’t see how a different platform would be worthwhile – in at least having an active presence across the “big three” platforms.

Using social media shouldn’t be a chore, it should be as much a part of your working day as your morning coffee and just as enjoyable!  Make it work for you, use the platform you love – but be prepared to spend a little time elsewhere to ensure you’re as visible as possible!

After all, the more windows you have into your business, a greater number of people can see in!

Tips on Tuesday

We’ve been discussing the importance of Inclusive Design and how some small changes to your social media posts can make them more accessible to more people.

Emojis are great fun to use, and when used appropriately add a welcome bit of lightheartedness to your posts.  However, text-to-speech software reads out a description for every emoji you use, so be careful with the number you include.

Hearing “one gold star” isn’t terrible, but hearing “one gold star” repeated 10 times throughout a message is not only tiresome, but alters the meaning of the entire post.

Remember, in this case less is certainly more!

Tips on Tuesday

Admit it, we’ve all had a sneaky look at who is following us. And discovered that people have unfollowed us and felt rather affronted!

Try and remember that your followers list will be an ever-changing landscape and this is positive!  Don’t be tempted to ask people why they’ve unfollowed you and give ideas to other people! 

Continue to post regularly, add value and interact with the people who DO follow you.  For every follower you lose, you will gain new followers to interact with.

Tips on Tuesday

Only a short one today, but vitally important.

Do make sure that any and every link you have on your website opens in a new window!

Such a small thing, but often overlooked.  If you add a link and it opens in the window you’re currently in all you’re doing is directing your traffic AWAY from you and elsewhere.  By opening in a new window, you do at least keep your web visitors on your page whilst adding further offerings for them!

Tips on Tuesday

Remember to make use of all the tools social media platforms offer you for making the most of your experience!

One of our favourites is the option on Facebook to view your page as a visitor.

This gives you the opportunity to take an objective look at your page to ensure you have completed it as fully as possible and that you’re getting across the information you want.  It is always a good idea to regularly check your profile in this manner to make sure your Call to Action buttons are working, your messenger options are working and that your posts work well on a timeline.

You can find the option by navigating to your business page, clicking the button marked with three dots in the menu bar under the cover photo and selecting  the “view as page visitor” option.

Tips on Tuesday

We’ve often discussed how great it is to be able to tap into trending topics across social media.

We must add a word of caution though! Do make sure your posts are relevant to the trending topic you are aiming to become involved with. If you would like to discuss the heatwave, or any relevant products or information by all means find the trending hashtags. However, your post’s legitimacy will become diluted if you simply carry on posting as normal but add an irrelevant hashtag to the end in the hope you get noticed!

Enjoy finding some creative ways to make your offerings relevant to trending topics! And if you can’t? Start a trend yourself!

Tips on Tuesday

It can be really tempting to feel that as a business you should have a presence on every available social media channel. After all, more channels mean more exposure, right? Not necessarily!

Direction arrow sign

Rather than spreading yourself too thin and creating content for channels that aren’t relevant to your offering or customer, take some time to think where directing your social media strategy would be most successful.

Identify your audience, and then use that information to create social media accounts on the most relevant channels. For example, if your offering is mostly B2B, a LinkedIn account is a must, whereas if you’re selling directly to a younger audience think about newer platforms such as TikTok, if your products mean you need to target parents, Facebook is a must for you!

Start your social media journey by choosing the most relevant channels for you and make your content innovative and engaging, you can always expand to other channels in the future if your core offering evolves, or you see a gap in your strategy.

Tips on Tuesday

We can’t say this enough times, but make your content eye-catching!

People don’t read their social media channels in full, they scan their timelines quickly and transiently, only stopping when something catches their interest.

Your unique challenge on social media is to stop the scroll! The first port of call is a captivating image. Secondly make sure your copy isn’t overly verbose and really tells a story in a few words. Make any calls to action clear and efficient – win the battle by allowing your customers to shop, contact or book in with just a single click.

Don’t be afraid to stand out on social media; if you’re doing it for the right reasons then you’re engaging with people who will potentially become your customers!

Tips on Tuesday

Emojis…just for kids right? WRONG!!

Did you know the use of a relevant emoji can increase engagement on Tweets by up to 25%, whilst using them on Facebook can increase likes and comments or shares by 57% and 33% respectively.

Love them or hate them, emojis can certainly be a useful tool to have at your disposal.  Why not try adding pertinent emojis to your social media posts and monitor whether your interactions improve!