Tag Archives: Social Media Marketing

Tips on Tuesday

Do you ever feel tempted to write lengthy posts on Facebook simply because there isn’t a character limit?


It is such a cliché, but it is so true, it really is quality over quantity.  Don’t fall into the trap of feeling you have to fill space. Short, snappy posts work as well on Facebook as other platforms. Did you know the ideal length of a Facebook post is 40 – 80 characters; posts that are less than 80 characters receiving on average 88% more engagement.

Obviously, your post must make sense, but look at using language creatively for shorter Facebook content.

Tips on Tuesday

Clients often ask me if there is any point them being on Instagram because they don’t believe their business lends itself to the channel.

My response is, if you can take a picture of something related to you or your business then get on Instagram!

I love Instagram to have a bit of fun with, to really show the personality behind the business. Share some images of your products, of your employees, Share photos of your workspace. If you pop out for a coffee, or go to a meeting why not see if anything catches your eye on the way! Is your business located somewhere with great photo opportunities – try and make use of that!

Remember, the more places you are active, the greater your exposure to potential customers or useful contacts!

Tips on Tuesday

Do you have a favourite social media platform? Come on now, tell the truth – everyone does!

It is completely fine to have a favourite platform – by all means choose the one that works best for your business and focus the majority of your efforts there.  However, we do see value – even if you can’t see how a different platform would be worthwhile – in at least having an active presence across the “big three” platforms.

Using social media shouldn’t be a chore, it should be as much a part of your working day as your morning coffee and just as enjoyable!  Make it work for you, use the platform you love – but be prepared to spend a little time elsewhere to ensure you’re as visible as possible!

After all, the more windows you have into your business, a greater number of people can see in!

Tips on Tuesday

Is it time to freshen up your social media channels by creating new photographic content?

If it has been a while since you took new images for your small business, now might be the time to consider doing just that.

Remember, you don’t need a professional photographer – a smart phone is perfectly adequate – and your images don’t have to be professional quality.  However, be sure you have a decent background and good lighting when you take an image, and of course before you use any photos across your channels make sure they are sharp and convey the message you want!

Tips on Tuesday

Whilst creating content is key across your social media platforms, there are of course those days when inspiration simply doesn’t strike.

A fantastic way to help you out on those days when you’re suffering a bout of writer’s block is to create a social media calendar. Quite simply pull together a list of dates that mixes key dates that are important to your business (maybe a sale, a new product launch, the anniversary of your opening) and more national dates you can have fun with e.g., National Cup of Tea Day, National Biscuit Day.

Dates like these give an immediate way to create content and have fun when you might be struggling for something to say. Followers like to see the people they follow have fun, so don’t be afraid to let loose and create some great new content for dry spells!

Let us know what your favourite social media day to celebrate is, the more unusual the better!

Tips on Tuesday

By now you should have your social media strategy for the coming year well and truly in place.

Remember your strategy should cover the following: –

  1. Online presence – where will you send prospective customers to find out more?
  2. Content strategy – where are your target audience and what sort of content do they look for?
  3. Social media – which social media channels you will use and what content you will share
  4. Brand – this should be in place before you venture into the online word and should cover a name, a logo, a voice, and a core message.
  5. Analytics/insights – use the tools provided to collate data on your online performance which will help you improve your performance.
  6. Content management – keeping track of all the information you share including planning future posts.

How do you like to plan?

Tips on Tuesday

We always think this time of year is a wonderful time to practise some self-care – after all “New Year and New You” and all that – and that goes for your social media channels too!

A straightforward way to ensure you’re looking your best online is to check your bios! Make sure they’re up to date and if not, update with any new or essential information. 

Make sure you include a link to your website (and please ensure it’s working; there’s nothing more likely to turn a potential customer off than a broken link!) and keep your bios consistent across all platforms.

Are you looking and feeling your best?

Tips on Tuesday

Drumroll for our final Tip on Tuesday of 2023!

Whilst we’ve often said how the consistency of social media posting is important, it is equally important for you to be recharged, rested and ready for all the challenges of 2024. By all means do some pertinent holiday posts, but then give yourself time away from insights, responses, and general scrolling through your timeline.

When you’re rested and refreshed you will face the challenges of digital marketing and your online presence with renewed zeal. 

A very Merry Christmas and a happy and successful 2024 to all!

Tips on Tuesday

It’s never easy to be a small business with bigger businesses as competitors and for all business-owners, things can seem harder than ever.

So, what can you do to help small businesses out this year and moving into 2023?!

  1. Follow their social media channels!
  2. Like a post!
  3. Share a post!
  4. Engage with their account by leaving comments!
  5. Give them a shout out on your social media channels!
  6. Tell your family and friends about them – what better than a word-of-mouth recommendation?
  7. Had good service? Leave a positive review.

Happy helping!

Tips on Tuesday

Although it can seem a bit of a cliche, don’t be afraid to harness the season!

Have a think of creative ways you can bring some festive fun into your social media marketing. Why not have a festive photo competition; ask your followers to show pictures of your products in the most festive way possible – have a prize for the best one. Share your office decorations, share photos of your staff dressed up for Christmas, are you participating in Christmas Jumper Day!

Great festive content is an effortless way of making use of what is going on around you – and some trending topics – to engage with current and new followers. Whilst the way you engage with your customers might need to be within certain parameters, you can be as creative as you want on your social media.

We’d love to hear your ideas about how you make your timelines more fun at this time of year!