Monthly Archives: April 2016

Tips on Tuesday

This week is National Stalking Awareness Week and we want to support the amazing work Paladin do by giving you our tips to stay safe online.  With the advent of social media, cyber stalking became a real and dangerous thread and it shouldn’t be underestimated how much damage online stalking can do.  We have already written about children staying safe on social media in our blog here and indeed much of the advice is pertinent to adults too.

Cyber stalking image Aire Media

Here are our top tips to keep you safe online: –

  1. Change your passwords regularly
  2. Never share your passwords with anybody
  3. Never give out personal information online
  4. Keep your security and privacy settings on the highest possible setting
  5. Never share your location – if you’re concerned about this make sure you set location services to off on your device.
  6. Block unsolicited messages
  7. Do not be afraid to report messages that are threatening in any way.  You will be taken seriously

We hope you find today’s tip useful – please share amongst your friends and colleagues if you think it will be useful.  If you are on Twitter join in this week using the hashtag #NSAW16.

Tips on Tuesday

Morning folks, that time again!

Today’s tip is really more of a question.   How many of you have a blog?  And if you do, how many of you update it regularly?

Pic of WordPress Blog

Blogging is a really useful way of gaining interest in you as a brand because you’re saying more than a character limit or a social media post can.   Blogs can be newsworthy, can be about your products or even just a stream of your – hopefully sentient – thoughts. 

If you want to use blogging as a way to grow your business, there is no hard and fast rule as to how often you should blog.  Your best option is to make a realistic schedule and stick to it.  You can always add more posts if you find the time.  Most experts in the field suggest once a week as a minimum is a great rule of thumb.

So get blogging and show me what you’ve got!

Tips on Tuesday

As fast as we plan tips to bring you, its time to write again!

Facebook Aire Media Blog TwitterTipsAireMedia PinterestLogo InstagramLogo YoutubeLogoLinkedInLogoGooglePlusLogo

Today’s tip focuses on making your social media accounts easily accessible.  Ensure your social media icons are clearly visible on your website.  Also, for those of you who use a free website building tool, make sure you change the social media accounts from those of the site host to your own.  There is nothing worse for a customer than thinking “we’d really like to see what these people are saying” to find that when they try to follow you on Twitter or Facebook they find someone completely different.   And, we have said this before, but ALWAYS make sure your social media accounts open in a new tab or window.

Half the battle is ensuring your methods for communication are visible.  Remember no-one will know what you’re saying if they can’t find you!

See you next time!


Tips on Tuesday

For today’s tip we are partially revisiting something we discussed way back in March 2015.

We visited pinning posts on Facebook in this Tip on Tuesday, but did you know you can also pin tweets on Twitter?

Picture of pin Aire Media

Unlike Facebook, there is no time limit to pinned tweets, they simply stay at the top of your profile until you change it.

It is a great way to get a message to your followers and people looking at your profile without constantly spamming them.   Use the function wisely for your best offers, the most important things you want to say and you will see the retweets follow.

See you next week folks.