Tag Archives: Listen

Tips on Tuesday

We often look at how you can create content that will enrich your social media feeds for your audience.


Don’t forget you can use your social media to listen to your audience and find out what they want from you.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions to garner opinion; “did we do this right?”, “which colour of this item do you prefer”.

Remember creating meaningful interaction not only gives you free market research, but also creates relationships with your customers.  After all, a customer is going to be interested in a company that listens to them and gives them what they want!

As we remain in a new normal, it is more important than ever – and could be the difference between survival or not – to listen and adapt how your customers require.

Tips on Tuesday

How often do you listen to your customers?


Your customers can be the best source of content you have.  Through the power of social media, you have a wealth of information at your fingertips; look at the questions you get asked most often, or what customers are asking most regularly across social media.  Don’t be afraid to check out how your competitors are engaging with their customers too. 

By listening and creating relevant content, you can organically grow your reach whilst becoming a well-known voice within your area.