Tag Archives: photographs

Tips on Tuesday

Is it time to freshen up your social media channels by creating new photographic content?

CameraIf it has been a while since you took new images for your small business, now might be the time to consider doing just that. 

Remember, you don’t need a professional photographer – a smart phone is perfectly adequate – and your images don’t have to be professional quality.   However be sure you have a decent background and good lighting when you take an image, and of course before you use any photos across your channels make sure they’re sharp and convey the message you want!


Tips on Tuesday

Clients often ask me if there’s any point them being on Instagram because they don’t believe their business lends itself to the channel.


My response is, if you can take a picture of something related to you or your business then get on Instagram!

I love Instagram to have a bit of fun with, to really show the personality behind the business.  As we all work towards a new normal, why not try using Instagram now.  Share some images of your new work-mates, your new workspace.  Keep the team together whilst they can’t actually be together!

Tips on Tuesday

We’ve spoken often about how important it is to add images to your posts on social media.

Image photo

Studies show that after 72 hours people only remember 10% of what the read, however with the use of a carefully chosen image, that figure can rise to a massive 65%!

A few times recently, we’ve seen people posting “image for attention” in their posts, and the image used has no relevance whatsoever to the post in question.

Make sure when you use an image, you make it pertinent to your content.  A funny picture is lovely, but if it has no meaning it won’t be long before your followers will get bored.  

There is a vast stock of royalty free images on the web – make sure you choose carefully and share away!

Tips on Tuesday

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this couldn’t be more true!


Although on the face of it, Twitter isn’t a great platform for image sharing, tweets with images receive 18% more click throughs, 89% more likes and a massive 150% more retweets (source: brandwatch).

It really couldn’t be clearer – use images to augment concise, snappy tweets and watch your engagement grow!

Tips on Tuesday

A nice little Instagram tip today, which is such a small thing, but so important.

Vintage Instagram

A really important thing to remember is that Instagram works on square images, just like old Polaroid pictures.   Really try to make your images work in a square format, or if possible switch your camera mode to “square”.

Mediocre pictures will get lost on Instagram, make your images shout for you by being the best they can possibly be!


Tips on Tuesday

For today’s tip we’re making a brief stop off at Facebook.

Facebook Aire Media BlogAs the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and that is absolutely true for Facebook where posts with an image attached get 39% more interaction.

So get those cameras out and get those posts visual and attractive; the increased engagement will make it worth your while!

Tips on Tuesday

Today’s tip is our handy guide to social media image sizes to help you create the perfect profile.

FacebookLogo TwitterLogo GooglePlusLogo LinkedInLogo PinterestLogo InstagramLogo YoutubeLogo


  • cover photo: 851 x 315
  • profile photo: 180 x 180


  • header image: 1500 x 500
  • profile image: 400 x 400


  • cover photo: 2120 x 1192
  • profile photo: 270 x 270


  • cover photo: 646 x 220
  • profile photo: 100 x 60


  • profile photo: 160 x 165


  • profile photo: 110 x 110


  • cover art: 2560 x 1440
  • cover art safe area: 1546 x 423

Tips on Tuesday


Today’s tip concerns nothing but patience!

Using social media as a marketing tool is a slow burn – don’t expect results with the first tweet or photo or status.  You might get a couple of likes, or a share or two, but a marketing campaign is just that.  A collection of smaller actions moving towards a larger goal. 

Keep working at it, be consistent and remember than every small action you take is valuable and moving you towards your end goal.

Tune in again next time for another Tip

Tips on Tuesday

Back just in time for our weekly slot, here’s today’s Tips on Tuesday.

For today’s tip I’m visiting Facebook and how to make your page pop and catch people’s eye. And the simple answer is use photographs.  Make sure your profile shot is brand specific – if you use other social media or have a website, make sure you use the same image across all platforms to ensure continuity – and that people will immediately recognise you.  Use a cover photograph – make sure the eye is drawn to the top of the Facebook page so people are encouraged to look further – especially for your contact information, after all your immediate aim is to encourage people not only to visit your site but to engage and interact!