Tag Archives: interaction

Tips on Tuesday

Hands up who loves the thought of using video on your social media channels but never gets around to it?!  Did you know that it is estimated that by 2022, online videos will account for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic?

Video Camera

Short videos are a really great way to grab people’s attention on social media and drive interaction and conversation.   Social media success lies very much in your ability to share worthwhile content in small chunks, and videos should be no different.

Videos are a great way of increasing your brand exposure.  After all if a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what a video would be worth?!  Whilst you don’t need to spend a fortune on a professional video, you must make sure your images are sharp and the sound quality is good.  You don’t want to damage your image by sharing substandard content.

Videos are a great way of giving your business some personality, and allowing viewers to see the people and processes behind your brand.   Human interest can drive interaction in a much more positive way than purely sales-based posts.

Why not give yourself a challenge, pick up your video camera and get shooting!

Tips on Tuesday

Remember what is the ultimate goal on social media – regular engagement from your followers to create a really strong online brand.


An important consideration when dealing with your social media schedule is how you are going to manage your notifications.  Whether you receive a message, or someone comments on one of your posts it is important to respond in a reasonable amount of time.  Even if you choose a tool like an automated message response on Facebook, a timely reply from a real person is still important.

If you don’t want notifications turned on – which is understandable if you are getting a large number – why not set aside some blocks of time each day to deal with and respond to notifications? 

You can also use the various analytical tools to monitor which of your posts gets most interaction, which will enable you to manage notifications more thoroughly.

Tips on Tuesday

For today’s tip we’re making a brief stop off at Facebook.

Facebook Aire Media BlogAs the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and that is absolutely true for Facebook where posts with an image attached get 39% more interaction.

So get those cameras out and get those posts visual and attractive; the increased engagement will make it worth your while!