Tag Archives: Hashtags

Tips on Tuesday

Today’s Tip on Tuesday is a flying visit to Twitter.

TwitterTipsAireMediaDon’t be afraid to comment on industry news using the relevant hashtag.  “Newsjacking” is a really great way to become visible with relevant content to a whole new level of audience.  Make sure your point is relevant, correct and adds to a discussion and never forget the hashtag!



Tips on Tuesday

For today’s Tip on Tuesday we’re looking at Twitter and the use of the hashtag.


One of the best features on Twitter in our opinion is the hashtag and how it creates immediate relationships between your tweets and other people worldwide talking about the same thing.

Make sure you use relevant hashtags in all your tweets.  Use services such as Hashtagify and Ritetag (other services are available) to search for relevant hashtags and the data associated therewith to maximise your reach by using the highest trending hashtags.  Have a look through Twitter daily for the trending topics and see whether there’s any relevant for you to tap into.


Tips on Tuesday

For this week we’re going to have a look at Twitter

TwitterTipsAireMediaIf you’re using a Twitter account for business purposes it is really important that whoever is using the account is consistent in tone.  Remember your account is in effect the company and so its important to maintain a constant and professional presence at all times.

Even if the account is managed by different staff, make sure they’re all clear about how you want the account to be used and what is and isn’t appropriate!  The public will only see the company, not the different people who are behind the avatar so keep it neutral, informative and polite.


Tips on Tuesday

For today’s Tip on Tuesday we’re concentrating on Twitter

Tips on Tuesday hashtag

Today’s tip is to create an original hashtag for your marketing campaign.  Rather than using a hashtag that is already created, find something new and unique that reflects your brand.  And then use it.  Use it wherever you can and become a voice.

Make yourselves get noticed by being trend setters!



Tips on Tuesday

This week is National Stalking Awareness Week and we want to support the amazing work Paladin do by giving you our tips to stay safe online.  With the advent of social media, cyber stalking became a real and dangerous thread and it shouldn’t be underestimated how much damage online stalking can do.  We have already written about children staying safe on social media in our blog here and indeed much of the advice is pertinent to adults too.

Cyber stalking image Aire Media

Here are our top tips to keep you safe online: –

  1. Change your passwords regularly
  2. Never share your passwords with anybody
  3. Never give out personal information online
  4. Keep your security and privacy settings on the highest possible setting
  5. Never share your location – if you’re concerned about this make sure you set location services to off on your device.
  6. Block unsolicited messages
  7. Do not be afraid to report messages that are threatening in any way.  You will be taken seriously

We hope you find today’s tip useful – please share amongst your friends and colleagues if you think it will be useful.  If you are on Twitter join in this week using the hashtag #NSAW16.

Tips on Tuesday

Hello all.  We are all rejuvenated following a short break so we’re back with today’s tip and this is one that can apply to all social media channels.

I’m often asked by clients about the use of scheduling tools such as Hootsuite for social media posts and whether they’re a good idea. 

Pic of Schedule Aire Media

I think that they can be a very useful tool IF you don’t rely solely on them.  They’re very useful for standard messages but the beauty of social media is its spontaneity and I think you can lose the power to tap into breaking stories if you don’t check your social media feeds personally.

There has also been some controversy surrounding the use of scheduled posts during tragic world events.  My take would be don’t let this put you off, but possibly discretion is the better part of valour and it may be wise to turn off scheduled posts if something major happens.  At the end of the day whether you agree or not, you don’t want to be the subject of a social media rant about insensitivity, your social media profile has to be impeccable.

So my conclusion is, yes use them.  But don’t rely on them and don’t lose that personal touch!

See you next time!


More Twitter rumours

Hot on the heels of the addition of the Twitter Moments feature and the news that character limits could be expanded, Twitter has once again sent the rumour mills into overdrive.


A rumour is doing the rounds that Twitter will soon be run by an algorithm.  This means that rather seeing your timeline chronological order, Twitter will reorder them as per what it believes you want to read in your timeline, much like Facebook.

Buzzfeed suggest the change could come in as early as next week, with a test run on a small number of users going well enough for content to be distributed more widely.

Predictably Twitter appears to have gone into meltdown over this rumour with the trending topic #RIPTwitter.  Suffice to say, the majority of Twitter users seem unhappy at the potential change.

So what do you think – will this affect the way you use Twitter?  It certainly seems to be paving the way for a more monetized use of Twitter – will business have the facility to promote their tweets into your timeline via paid ads?

Twitter themselves have thus far declined to comment.

Let us know your thoughts or join in the debate on Twitter.

Tips on Tuesday

Today’s tip focuses on this little chap.  The hashtag.

Hashtag Aire Media Image

Let’s face it, before Twitter what on earth was this character for?!  Now however, the hashtag is a useful tool – you can use a variety of hashtags to get your tweets noticed.  You can either create your own or simply find out what is trending and utilise current popular talking points to get what you want to say out there.

A word of warning though.  #Don’t #over #use #the #hashtag.  #It #can #get #really #irritating.  See what I mean? 

See you soon for more snippets of social media advice!

Tips on Tuesday

Today’s tip is specific to Twitter.

Today we’re going to suggest to all smaller businesses to get involved with local hours on Twitter.  These tend to be a weekly event, usually lasting an hour and curated under the umbrella of a single parent account.

These hours are very useful as a free networking tool and very easy to become involved in.   So have a search, see whether there are any you can become involved in and if not start your own!  We definitely recommend taking the time to see what wonderful opportunities to find out about other local businesses these hours give you.

Some of the hours local to us at Aire Media are: –

#ilkleyhour – Monday 7-8pm

#otleyhour – Thursday 7-8pm

#yorkshirehour – Wednesday 8-9pm

#skiptonhour – Tuesday 9-10pm

#bradfordhour – Thursday 8-9pm

#bingleyhour – Tuesday 8-9pm

It is our very first time currating #bingleyhour tonight.  Find us at @BingleyHour or via @Aire_Media and come and get involved!