Today’s tip is specific to Twitter.
Today we’re going to suggest to all smaller businesses to get involved with local hours on Twitter. These tend to be a weekly event, usually lasting an hour and curated under the umbrella of a single parent account.
These hours are very useful as a free networking tool and very easy to become involved in. So have a search, see whether there are any you can become involved in and if not start your own! We definitely recommend taking the time to see what wonderful opportunities to find out about other local businesses these hours give you.
Some of the hours local to us at Aire Media are: –
#ilkleyhour – Monday 7-8pm
#otleyhour – Thursday 7-8pm
#yorkshirehour – Wednesday 8-9pm
#skiptonhour – Tuesday 9-10pm
#bradfordhour – Thursday 8-9pm
#bingleyhour – Tuesday 8-9pm
It is our very first time currating #bingleyhour tonight. Find us at @BingleyHour or via @Aire_Media and come and get involved!