Tag Archives: Twitter

Tips on Tuesday

Remember to have fun with your social media feeds.

FunIf things have been different for you during lockdown, and you’re not yet in a position to reopen your business you might be running out of relevant content for your social media feeds.

Don’t be afraid to create posts not directly relevant to your business and especially try and have fun.  Tapping into trending topics can be useful – if it’s #NationalBiscuitDay why not share yours? Create a poll of several options and encourage your followers to interact.

Are you using the time away from normality to rearrange your premises or carry out essential repairs? Don’t forget to document these for your followers.

Why not share images of your work at home space or share tips that work for you for efficient working.

Remember if it isn’t offensive, there’s no such thing as wrong content.  Have a play, have fun and populate your timelines!

Tips on Tuesday

We often look at how you can create content that will enrich your social media feeds for your audience.


Don’t forget you can use your social media to listen to your audience and find out what they want from you.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions to garner opinion; “did we do this right?”, “which colour of this item do you prefer”.

Remember creating meaningful interaction not only gives you free market research, but also creates relationships with your customers.  After all, a customer is going to be interested in a company that listens to them and gives them what they want!

As we remain in a new normal, it is more important than ever – and could be the difference between survival or not – to listen and adapt how your customers require.

Tips on Tuesday

All our recent posts have been about navigating your way through social media as part of a new way of life.


Today we want to say, if things don’t go to plan, if you run out of time if you’re juggling working from home with children and their schooling then don’t panic.  If everything just feels overwhelming, then acknowledge that – your feelings are valid!

As cheesy as it sounds, we’re going to channel Scarlett O’Hara here and remind you tomorrow IS another day.   If you feel your “to do” list is unacheivable, delegate! Decide which tasks aren’t essential and move them to a longer term list.  You can only achieve what you physically can, don’t pressure yourself to achieve the impossible!

Be kind to yourself as well as others!

Tips on Tuesday

We have spoken before about what we consider to be one of the most important points for any business on social media; if you make nothing but overtly selling posts you will turn off a large number of your followers.


At the moment, this is even more important.  With such a state of flux and uncertainty in the wider world people are turning to their social media accounts to provide escapism and fun.

By all means ensure your customers are aware if they can still use/purchase your services but keep your content interesting and engaging.  Use the time to show your personality and how you’re turning a difficult situation into a positive one for you.

Have fun and share your fun!

Tips on Tuesday

If you’ve turned to more online content during the lockdown period and are creating your own videos, there are some simple tips you should consider.


If you’re the subject of the video, be careful to choose your clothes wisely!  Stripes, spots or other busy patterns can cause an effect known as moiré.  This can appear as wavy lines or a rippling effect and cause a disturbing visual experience for your viewers.

Avoid this by choosing garmets without patterns and stick to block colours.

Tips on Tuesday

Remember in order to have a successful social media presence, you need to get social (yup, the clue is in the title!)


The way we market our products and ourselves is ever-evolving.  When we used traditional marketing methods such as print, television and radio we were talking at people.  Now we have channels where we can talk with people; the aim is to create a place where mutual conversations can take place!

At a time when online conversations are more important than ever, have a think about how you can start some meaningful interaction.  Something as simple as asking your clients how they are, whether they need anything or how they’re coping with lockdown can make an important impact.  Why not ask for opinions on your products; try a poll and ask for the favourite between two items etc.

Whilst you can’t see your customers face to face it is vital that you keep that online dialogue open and flowing!

Tips on Tuesday

Another Tuesday rolls around meaning another week of our new normal!

Open Sign

If you are able to open in the current climate, but your opening hours have altered then make sure you have changed your business hours across your social media and Google My Business channels.  One of the first places people will look to find practical information on a business is social media.

Remember, whilst people are encouraged to only make essential journeys, you don’t want their journey to be wasted if your opening times are not current!  It is important to do what you can to make the current difficult situation that little bit easier!

Tips on Tuesday

Unprecedented times, but it is important to ensure clarity.

Clear image

If you are making changes to your business practices so you can carry on trading during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important that you communicate clearly to your customers what those changes are and what they can expect.

For example if you are going to post items out, will there be a delay due to delivery times?  If you’re going to start making home deliveries yourself; a message on how you will ensure social distancing practices are followed is important.   Do you need your customers to make changes to how they pay you?  If so, a clear instruction page is important.

We recommend a clearly visible FAQs page added to your website (and shared on social media!) that deals with any differences to your normal practices.  There will inevitably be situations and questions that occur that you haven’t covered, but a basic document outlining the major changes should make the processes go more smoothly!

Tips on Tuesday

Sometimes it can be hard to feel that it is ok to go on as normal!

Keep calm

Whilst undoubtedly things are very strange and people are still getting used to a new way of life, if your particular business can carry on without flouting guidelines and you’re able to do so safely then carry on you must!

Whilst we would advise carefully thinking about the tone of your online presence, and ensuring everyone knows how you’re keeping your staff and customers safe, being online at the moment is more important than ever.

Use your voice, sell your product, keep your client base!  Have a think about how you can add value to other businesses by sharing their content. There has never been a situation where “we’re all in this together” is more apt.

Tips on Tuesday

We’ve long been an advocate of using the analytical tools available to you when measuring your social media performance.

Don't Panic

However it is also vital to remember that external factors can have a massive effect upon your social media.  We are living through unprecedented and uncharted times; if your “failsafe” posts aren’t performing, then don’t panic.

The way we use social media; and the way your clients respond to social media; will change massively over the coming weeks as we all settle into our new version of normal.   Remember part of being successful on-line is being flexible.  Keep posting, keep monitoring and keep in contact! 

Resilience will play a big factor in performance during the coming months, you can add to your resilience by consistency of online delivery.