Tag Archives: Schedule

Tips on Tuesday

We’re often asked by clients about the use of scheduling tools such as Hootsuite or indeed Meta’s own scheduling software for social media posts and whether they’re a good idea. 

Our feeling is that they can be a very useful tool IF you don’t rely solely on them.  They’re very useful for standard messages but the beauty of social media is its spontaneity and you can risk losing the power to tap into breaking stories if you don’t check your social media feeds personally.

There is, of course, also the risk of scheduled messages being inappropriate in light of wider world events. So we would say possibly discretion is the better part of valour and it may be wise to turn off scheduled posts if something major happens.  At the end of the day whether you agree or not, you don’t want to be the subject of a social media rant about insensitivity, your social media profile has to be impeccable.

So in conclusion? Yes, a scheduling tool can be a useful asset.  But don’t rely on them and don’t lose that personal touch!

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Tips on Tuesday

Ok, bear with us – we know it is only the 17th November, however that leaves only 5 Tips on Tuesday sessions before our Christmas break, so time to start talking the run up to the big day, and what happens afterwards!

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Our first tip is one we discuss every year, and whilst the way we celebrate Christmas might look a big different, this year it feels so important to acknowledge this tip.  And that is PLAN A BREAK. The mental load we’ve all had this year has been like no other, and it is so important for mental and physical health that we take time away from work to rest, relax and regroup. 

Whether you plan your break as a full shut down, or simply factor in your away time by scheduling your social posts in advance, the important thing is that you have some time for you.

We’re hoping for a full digital detox over part of the Christmas break which means time away from phones and other digital devices – how about you?!

Tips on Tuesday

Scheduling tools can be really useful when managing your social media feeds.


However a word of warning, remember scheduling posts means you’re posting when you’re not actually able to, make sure you allow yourself time to review the posts and any responses to them so you don’t miss anything important!

In addition, allow yourself to cancel scheduled posts if they’re not longer appropriate in light of wider world happenings or indeed changes within your business.

Scheduling tools are useful, but they don’t replace you!  They may save you a job, but don’t forget they can create other tasks that need managing!

Tips on Tuesday

January is a great time to consider making changes to your social media posting plans.

Have you thought about changing the times you post?

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Try posting (or scheduling a post) for just before or just after the hour.  If people are leaving meetings a touch early, it’s a great time to check their social media.  And indeed if they’re running a few minutes late? They might check their social media on the way to their next appointment.

Think about ensuring some of your posts appear over common lunch hours. When do you check your social media feed? That’s right, in your lunch break.  Make use of people’s habits to create opportunity!


Tips on Tuesday

Hopefully you’re reading this following a restful festive break and you’re ready to really get stuck into 2019!

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At this time of year we like to make a rough schedule of our social media marketing plan for the year; think about promotions you might like to run, any events you’re going to be attending and schedule in social media posts for these.

Whilst we never make a firm social media calendar – after all social media is reactive – we like to have some content pencilled in.  Somehow it makes planning for the year a lot less scary when you KNOW you have things to talk about!

Let us know how you make your plans!