Tag Archives: Rest

Tips on Tuesday

For our final Tips on Tuesday of 2021 (yes, even we’re having a rest next week!) we’re giving you a generic tip.

Whilst we’ve often said how the consistency of social media posting is important, it is equally important for you to be recharged, rested and ready for all the challenges of 2022. By all means do some pertinent holiday posts, but then give yourself time away from insights, responses and general scrolling through your timeline.

When you’re rested and refreshed you will face the challenges of digital marketing and your online presence with renewed zeal. 

A very Merry Christmas and a happy and successful 2022 to all!

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Tips on Tuesday

Ok, bear with us – we know it is only the 17th November, however that leaves only 5 Tips on Tuesday sessions before our Christmas break, so time to start talking the run up to the big day, and what happens afterwards!

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Our first tip is one we discuss every year, and whilst the way we celebrate Christmas might look a big different, this year it feels so important to acknowledge this tip.  And that is PLAN A BREAK. The mental load we’ve all had this year has been like no other, and it is so important for mental and physical health that we take time away from work to rest, relax and regroup. 

Whether you plan your break as a full shut down, or simply factor in your away time by scheduling your social posts in advance, the important thing is that you have some time for you.

We’re hoping for a full digital detox over part of the Christmas break which means time away from phones and other digital devices – how about you?!