Tag Archives: Content

Tips on Tuesday

Have you thought about setting your social media strategies seasonally?

Whilst it may seem obvious if your business offering is seasonal, for those who aren’t in a season-specific industry you might like to try changing your strategy by setting some season-specific goals or creating a marketing theme for each season. How can you use summer for example to create a relevant and innovative new theme of posts for your business?

You can even take this further stylistically by giving your social media channels a distinctive look in each season by use of carefully planned image and colour-scheme.

Never be afraid to have fun – and this could be a wonderful way of creating interesting content or themes whilst staying true to your core ethos.

Tips on Tuesday

It is no secret times are hard, so here are some easy ways you can help small businesses grow on social media: –

  1. Give them a follow/like.  A very easy one but important.
  2. Share their content.  If you see something you think your friends might be interested in, share the love!
  3. If you’ve bought a product or used a service, why not tell people? Leaving a review takes very little time but means the world!
  4. If you see something that interests you on their timeline, comment on the post and tell them so!
  5. Check in to their premises.  People will remember where you’ve been!
  6. If you’re a member of a local group on social media, people often ask for recommendations; word of mouth is still so important!

Give it a try and spread the love; who will you help out today?

Tips on Tuesday

Do you ever feel tempted to write lengthy posts on Facebook simply because there isn’t a character limit?


It is such a cliché, but it is so true, it really is quality over quantity.  Don’t fall into the trap of feeling you have to fill space. Short, snappy posts work as well on Facebook as other platforms. Did you know the ideal length of a Facebook post is 40 – 80 characters; posts that are less than 80 characters receiving on average 88% more engagement.

Obviously, your post must make sense, but look at using language creatively for shorter Facebook content.

Tips on Tuesday

It can be really tempting to feel that as a business you should have a presence on every available social media channel. After all, more channels mean more exposure, right? Not necessarily!

Rather than spreading yourself too thin and creating content for channels that are not relevant to your offering or customer, take some time to think about how directing your social media strategy could be useful.

Identify your audience, and then use that information to create social media accounts on the most relevant channels. For example, if your offering is mostly B2B, a LinkedIn account is a must, whereas if you’re selling directly to teens think about newer platforms such as TikTok, if your products mean you need to target parents, Facebook is the place for you!

Start your social media journey by choosing the most relevant channels for you and make your content innovative and engaging, you can always expand to other channels in the future if your core offering evolves.

Tips on Tuesday

Did you know you’re 4 times more likely to buy something if it has been recommended by a friend?

Where do we now find our friends? Yep, on our social media channels! Currently, approximately 44.84 million people in the United Kingdom use Facebook, 19.05 million use Twitter and 34.9 million use LinkedIn, whilst Instagram has 30.6 million active users and YouTube has 35.6 million active users.

Those statistics alone should be enough to convince you that a social media presence on at least one of the major five social media channels is essential and should feature heavily as part of your marketing strategy.

Remember, social media is a way for you to be in lots of rooms and reach lots of people whilst maintaining a low spend.

Tips on Tuesday

Albert Einstein once said “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

As much of a cliché as it is, we are all human and we all make mistakes; and that goes for our social media performance too!

Instead of keeping quiet about your mistakes, embrace them and learn from them. Your followers will be delighted to learn you’re open to acknowledge when you haven’t got it quite right and how you’re going to make changes so that doesn’t happen again.

Far from a sign of weakness, acknowledging your errors is a really great part of a complete customer service.

Whilst we’ve often stated the importance of checking and re-checking your posts, grammatical and spelling errors will, on occasion, creep in. Rather than constant deleting and re-posting, especially if people have already engaged with your post, acknowledge you have noticed your error, have a laugh about it and move on (and try not to make the same mistake again!)

Tips on Tuesday

Sometimes “short and sweet” is all you need!

Did you know 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound? That means your immediate action needs to be to make your video offering compelling without audio.

Ensure any speech is subtitled – not only does this mean you can capture those watching in silence through choice, but also people with hearing impairments; accessibility of content is such good practice!

Make your videos short, fun and above all on brand, sharing your message by image only. Of course this is a challenge, but one that will be worth it!

Tips on Tuesday

Timing is everything…

Which is certainly true when it comes to finding the best time to post on your channels. We like to test out what we call our “almost top of the hour” posting.

We like to post a few moments before the hour, on the basis that if people are going to meetings or into appointments, they use the opportunity to check their phones before they go in. Even if they’re running late, well they’re still on their phone to let people know!

Hands up who checks their social channels as they come out of a meeting? Yep, us too!

Try it and let us know how you get on! Does it make a positive difference to your reach and engagement?

Tips on Tuesday

Clients often ask me if there is any point them being on Instagram because they don’t believe their business lends itself to the channel.

My response is, if you can take a picture of something related to you or your business then get on Instagram!

I love Instagram to have a bit of fun with, to really show the personality behind the business.  Share some images of your products, of your employees, Share photos of your workspace.  If you pop out for a coffee, or go to a meeting why not see if anything catches your eye on the way! Is your business located somewhere with great photo opportunities – try and make use of that!

Remember, the more places you are active, the greater your exposure to potential customers or useful contacts!

Tips on Tuesday

Do you have a favourite social media platform? Come on now, tell the truth – everyone does!

It is completely fine to have a favourite platform – by all means choose the one that works best for your business and focus the majority of your efforts there.  However, we do see value – even if you can’t see how a different platform would be worthwhile – in at least having an active presence across the “big three” platforms.

Using social media shouldn’t be a chore, it should be as much a part of your working day as your morning coffee and just as enjoyable!  Make it work for you, use the platform you love – but be prepared to spend a little time elsewhere to ensure you’re as visible as possible!

After all, the more windows you have into your business, a greater number of people can see in!