Albert Einstein once said “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
As much of a cliché as it is, we are all human and we all make mistakes; and that goes for our social media performance too!
Instead of keeping quiet about your mistakes, embrace them and learn from them. Your followers will be delighted to learn you’re open to acknowledge when you haven’t got it quite right and how you’re going to make changes so that doesn’t happen again.
Far from a sign of weakness, acknowledging your errors is a really great part of a complete customer service.
Whilst we’ve often stated the importance of checking and re-checking your posts, grammatical and spelling errors will, on occasion, creep in. Rather than constant deleting and re-posting, especially if people have already engaged with your post, acknowledge you have noticed your error, have a laugh about it and move on (and try not to make the same mistake again!)