Tag Archives: New Year Goals

Tips on Tuesday

Consistency really is key when it comes to your social media performance.

Were you posting consistently in 2022 across your social media channels? If not, that should be your number one goal within your social media plan for 2023.  If you want to see tangible results, you need to post regularly.  This will help your followers stay engaged and connected and help your content show up in your followers feeds.

As a minimum, we recommend posting on your channels at least three times a week.

Tips on Tuesday

We always think this time of year is a great time to practise some self-care and that goes for your social media channels too!

An easy way to ensure you’re looking your best online is to check your bios! Make sure they’re up to date and if not, update with any new or important information. 

Make sure you include a link to your website (and please ensure it’s working; there’s nothing more likely to turn a potential customer off than a broken link!) and keep your bios consistent across all platforms.

Are you looking your best?

Tips on Tuesday

By now you should have your social media strategy for the coming year well and truly in place.

Remember your strategy should cover the following: –

  1. Online presencewhere will you send prospective customers to find out more?
  2. Content strategy – where are your target audience and what sort of content do they look for?
  3. Social media – which social media channels you will use and what content you will share
  4. Brand – this should be in place before you venture into the online word and should cover a name, a logo, a voicem and a core message.
  5. Analytics/insights – use the tools provided to collate data on your online performance which will help you improve your performance.
  6. Content management – keeping track of all the information you share including planning future posts.

How do you like to plan?

Tips on Tuesday

Whilst creating content is key across your social media platforms, there are of course those days when inspiration simply doesn’t strike.

Red mark on the calendar at January

A fantastic way to help you out on those days when you’re suffering a bout of writer’s block is to create a social media calendar. Quite simply pull together a list of dates that mixes key dates that are important to your business (maybe a sale, a new product launch, the anniversary of your opening) and more national dates you can have fun with e.g., National Cup of Tea Day, National Biscuit Day.

Dates like these give an immediate way to create content and have fun when you might be struggling for something to say. Followers like to see the people they follow have fun, so don’t be afraid to let loose and create some great new content for dry spells!

Let us know what your favourite social media day to celebrate is, the more unusual the better!