Today’s tip is about the most important thing for you when running a business – efficiency.
One of the most underutilized functions on Twitter is the ability to create Twitter Lists. The lists allow you to organise and view the content most important to you, which then appears in a separate feed. So for example you could have Twitter Lists for customers, potential customers, other accounts in the profession you interact with, professional advisers, etc.
The benefit of a Twitter List is you know who you’re engaging with, and have less content to sort through to make relevant contact and conversation. This is where the efficiency part comes in – less time sorting through feeds means more time spent on meaningful interaction.
Create a list by clicking on the cog icon on your Twitter profile, and hitting the “Create List” button. Give your list an identifying name and choose whether you want it to be private or public. Then simply search for people you want to add to your list and insert them via the cog icon at the top of their profile.
You can also use public lists to discover useful contacts. You can find public lists through anyone’s Twitter profile. And remember, you don’t need to follow someone to utilise their public lists.
Happy organising!