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Tips on Tuesday

Ok, bear with us – we know it is only the 14th of November, however that leaves only 5 Tips on Tuesday sessions before our Christmas break, so time to start talking the run up to the big day, and what happens afterwards!

Our first tip is one we discuss every year and this year it feels so important to acknowledge because life is hard! And that is PLAN A BREAK.

We are all carrying a huge mental load, and it is so important for our health, both mental and physical, that we take time away from work to rest, relax and regroup. 

Whether you plan your break as a full shut down, or simply factor in your away time by scheduling your social posts in advance, the important thing is that you have some time for you.

We’re hoping for a full digital detox over part of the Christmas break which means time away from phones and other digital devices – how about you?!

Tips on Tuesday

There are only two sorts of people on social media, those who want more followers and those who are lying!

I’m often asked by clients how they can quickly increase their followers. The short answer is you can’t!

Social media is very much a slow burn. Much like real life, relationships take time to foster and build; and these relationships need to be built before you can turn your followers into paying customers. When you decide upon a social media strategy, you must acknowledge the need to commit for not only weeks, but months and even years. 

Remember, the number of likes and followers you have is nothing more than a measure of vanity. What is important to you is the quality of follower – 100 followers who are engaged, are interested and who interact are of far more value than 1000 followers who are not!

Tips on Tuesday

We’ve spoken often about how important it is to add images to your posts on social media.

Studies show that after 72 hours people only remember 10% of what the read, however with the use of a carefully chosen image, that figure can rise to a massive 65%!

A few times recently, we’ve seen people posting “image for attention” in their posts, and the image used has no relevance whatsoever to the post in question.

Make sure when you use an image, you make it pertinent to your content.  A funny picture is lovely, but if it has no meaning it won’t be long before your followers will get bored.  

There is a vast stock of royalty free images on the web – make sure you choose carefully and share away!